Why Choose Us?

Over The Moon Therapy provides occupational and speech therapy services to children with developmental challenges. We believe that children deserve to be comfortable and experience joy, and we work closely with parents to help them drive their children’s developmental growth while also having fun. 

Over The Moon Therapy is the sole local clinic rooted in DIRFloortime, a developmental, relationship based model of intervention using strengths-based and neurodiversity-affirming techniques. Focused on the whole child, Over The Moon Therapy offers a trans-disciplinary approach that is well coordinated through our qualified and caring team. 

Our Core Beliefs

  • There is a myth that children with developmental disabilities, particularly those on the Autism spectrum don't want or are incapable of connection. I know this is untrue and I will help you and your child strengthen your connection and bond.

  • We see your child's unique way of being in the world as a feature, not a bug! All families deserve effective tools to support their children in their challenges, and to celebrate their one of a kind way of being .

  • We don't think your child needs to be fixed. Children with special needs deserve to have the world work for them, just as much as I believe they can learn the skills to participate in the world.

  • No matter the specific needs of their child. Parenting shouldn't be all work and no play.

  • Often we adults need to stop trying to change things and listen to what our children are telling us about how it feels to be them through their words, behaviors, and actions. The more we listen the better we can support our kids.

  • Relationships are how children learn about themselves and play is how children learn about the world around them.

  • Connected relationships are fundamental to the therapeutic process.

Covid-19 Protocols

In Person and Telehealth Services

Over The Moon is providing in person services at this time. Tele-health services are offered if need for clients living in AZ only (due to licensure issues).  

COVID Precautions

  • We are fully vaccinated. Including CDC recommend booster shots. 

  • When community spread is medium or low, masks are optional.

  •  When community spread is high, masks are required.

  • Masks should be well fitting. If you forget one or if yours doesn't stay well on your face you will be offered one. 

  • We ask all clients to cancel sessions when sick with COVID or COVID-like symptom of illness (fever, cough).