
At Over The Moon, you have the benefit of a team-based approach with a coordinated model of care. Our speech and OT services are grounded in the developmental model of DIRFloortime.


We will ask you to fill out a developmental history form and submit it 48 hours before our first appointment. Prior to the evaluation, we will spend an hour reviewing your child’s history. We will help you determine which evaluation is best for your child during your intake interview.

Standard Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Cost: $550
This evaluation helps us understand how your child processes sensory information, movement, and what types of play they enjoy. In addition, we will conduct standardized testing to identify more specific skills and provide a full assessment. This evaluation is best for children under 3 and children who are not yet able to follow verbal directions.

Standard occupational therapy evaluations take 60-90 minutes and include a direct assessment with your child. After the assessment, we will provide a comprehensive report along with an initial treatment plan. We then will meet virtually to go over the evaluation, set goals, and update the treatment plan.

Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Cost: $900
This evaluation provides all of the assessment provided in the Standard Occupational Therapy Evaluation in addition to the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) test. The EASI is a comprehensive set of tests that assess sensory perception, praxis skills, sensory reactivity, and sensory motor skills.  These skills make up the foundation of learning and function, and help provide a deep understanding of your child's sensory processing needs and profile.

The EASI typically takes 3-4 hours to administer and can be done over the course of 1-2 sessions. After the assessment, we will provide a comprehensive report along with an initial treatment plan. We will meet to go over the evaluation and explain the findings, as well as determine the plan of care.

Combined Occupational
& Speech Therapy Evaluation

Cost: $1000 (standard) or $1300 (includes EASI testing)
This evaluation provides insight into sensory processing, motor skills, speech and language capacities, and social emotional developmental skills, which allows us to build a comprehensive developmental profile for your child. This is an excellent option for families who want to develop a Comprehensive DIR/Floortime Program.

Combined speech and standard occupational evaluations take 2-2.5 hours to administer. When combined with a complex occupational evaluation, session will take approximately 5-6 hours. If necessary, we can split the evaluation into two sessions, but both therapists must be present for the entire evaluation. After the evaluation, we will provide a comprehensive report and set up a virtual meeting in which we can discuss the evaluation results, set goals, and determine a plan of care. 

Speech Generating Alternative Augmentative Communication Device (AAC) Evaluation

Cost: $670
We use a strength based approach during the evaluation process, which focuses on the skills of the individual and ways in which the clients strengths can be used to make progress toward their goals. 

Evaluations include an one hour interview with the therapist prior to the evaluation, 60-90 minutes of direct assessment in a play based setting with your child. After the evaluation, we will provide a recommendation for a device that will allow your child to best communicate with their world. Post evaluation, we will set up a virtual meeting in which we can discuss results, set goals, and determine a treatment plan. The evaluation also includes an hour of device programming.

Speech Therapy Evaluation

Cost: $550
This evaluation assesses play skills, difficulties imitating sounds, and a sense of how the child understands language. It includes evaluating how language is being produced - including sound errors, grammar and use of echolalia and gestalts. While we administer standardized testing, it is through play, interview and collecting a language sample.

Speech therapy evaluations include 60-90 minutes of direct assessment with your child as well as a one hour interview with your therapist prior to the evaluation. After the evaluation, we will provide an initial plan of care and recommendations, and set up a virtual meeting in which we can discuss results, set goals, and determine a treatment plan. 

Occupational Therapy Services-Sensory Integration Focus

Cost: Sliding Scale
Occupational therapy sensory integration (OT-SI) is both a neurological process and a frame of reference that occupational therapists can use when treating children. OT-SI  seeks to help children integrate their nervous system more efficiently so that they can learn and participate more easily. Therapists look for the right challenge, to provide the child with the input their nervous system needs in order to have an adaptive response. For example, we might ask that a child sit on a swing to get the input they need to sit up straight and tall. It might mean engaging in play with dry beans or rice to understand their hands better so they can do things like zip up their sweater independently. OT sessions last 50 minutes.  

Occupational/Speech Therapy Services- DIR/Floortime Focus

Occupational and speech therapy - DIR/Floortime is method used to treat children with a variety of developmental challenges. Therapy that uses a Floortime approach takes into account the unique nervous system that a child has and helps their caregivers and adults find ways to connect to the child and draw them into a shared world. From there the therapist and caregivers find ways to challenge the child to master six functional emotional developmental levels. This forms the foundation of all other learning and growth, and is fundamental to learning how to stay calm and regulated. Floortime can be incorporated into speech or OT services and children benefit from it throughout their therapy program. Therapy sessions last 50 minutes. 

Coaching Services

Coaching services are an opportunity for us to connect without the distractions of little ones to manage at the same time. Coaching often involved video review that either you submit to us or that we take together in our sessions. It gives us a chance to reflect on our own skills and your relationship with your child. During coaching we help you focus on you and your child's strengths and figure out how to best leverage your unique relationship to support your child's growth, learning, and development.

Coaching sessions are required once a quarter for all active clients. Coaching sessions are billed at our regular hourly rate.

Covid-19 Protocols

In Person and Telehealth Services

Over The Moon is providing in person services at this time. Tele-health services are offered if need for clients living in AZ only (due to licensure issues).  

COVID Precautions

  • We are fully vaccinated. Including CDC recommend booster shots. 

  • When community spread is medium or low, masks are optional.

  •  When community spread is high, masks are required.

  • Masks should be well fitting. If you forget one or if yours doesn't stay well on your face you will be offered one. 

  • We ask all clients to cancel sessions when sick with COVID or COVID-like symptom of illness (fever, cough).